Information about MT4: Does it only work with Forex? - Page 3
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Thread: Information about MT4: Does it only work with Forex?

  1. #21
    Why complicate your life trying to use metatrader for actions?It's like using a 90's phone to navigate online.It makes no sense.There are so many excellent platforms for actions that I don't see why insist on MT4.Give a chance to modern tools.

  2. #22
    MT5 is a better option if you want to operate actions, since it has support for more types of instruments.But even so, it does not compare with dedicated platforms.If you really want to trading actions, look for something like ninjatrader or interactive brokers.The difference is abysmal.

  3. #23
    Metatrader is great for Forex, but mediocre for actions.I do not understand why you would want to use it for something for which it was not designed.Do yourself a favor and look for specific platforms for actions.Metatrader simply is not up to par.

  4. #24
    Some brokers allow metatrader actions to operate, but it is not common.Most serious traders of shares use more advanced platforms.If you plan to operate long -term actions, I suggest you invest in more appropriate tools.It is a decision that you will not regret.

  5. #25
    Metatrader is a reliable platform for Forex, but when it comes to actions, there are better options.Your interface is not designed to handle complex graphics or analysis.Instead of forcing it, look for something like Thinkorswim or Etoro.They are much more intuitive and functional for what you are looking for.

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