Where to get useful Forex statistics? - Page 2
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Thread: Where to get useful Forex statistics?

  1. #11
    Citing: {quote} The only reliable way to obtain that data is to build them yourself.You're right.Maybe I must focus on building my own database instead of looking for information already processed.I'm going to try by downloading historical data and doing some analysis in Excel.

  2. #12
    You are looking for patterns in a market that moves chaotically.I do not say that there are no trends, but do not wait to find fixed rules in Forex.If everything were as predictable as "if you drop 50 pips you have a 12% rise", we would all be millionaires.

  3. #13
    If you want to play with statistics, you can also check the commitment of traders (COT

  4. #14
    The problem of depending too much on past statistics is that you can become blind to what is really happening in the market.A tracer must be flexible and not be typecast in probabilities that may not be fulfilled.

  5. #15
    Do not look for statistics, seek to understand the price action.The numbers can be misleading and give you a false sense of security.If it were as easy as continuing probabilities, banks would not have traders, only mathematics with Excel sheets.

  6. #16
    If you really think that a 12% reversion probability will make you earn money, better buy a lottery ticket.The market does not work that way.Learn to manage the risk and forget about magical formulas.

  7. #17
    Historical data are useful, but only if you know how to interpret them.It is not enough to say "on average, x happens."You have to understand * why * happens and in what context.

  8. #18
    If what you are looking for is to measure volatility, you can use ATR (Average True Range

  9. #19
    Do you want real statistics?Learn to program in Python and access brakers databases and financial platforms.If you depend on what you find for free on the Internet, you will be operating with second category data.

  10. #20
    Instead of wasting time looking for probabilities, you better learn to recognize patterns in real time.The market does not follow exact rules.It is more useful to develop intuition than to trust rigid statistics.

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