Well hello everyone and welcome to god knows will be a fascinating journal. First off I would like to state if your searching for the kind of advice will make you rich, you're likely looking on the incorrect side of Forex Town. Since I figure that I can meet some interesting people here, discuss some thoughts, and learn a thing or two, I created this thread. With you I'll probably share my trip along the way to allow you to know my progress. Plus I'm hoping that if someone figures out how the he-- this forex thing works you'll be fine to discuss it. You know keep it in the family. So anyway, a little about me ... and how I got involved in the world of Forex.... We will, a while ago . . I tried my hand at day trading. LOL.... Yeah ... read a few books you know. I figured ... how difficult can this material be. I'll just do the book sais to all of and I Will Be Rich! Well uhh.... That didnt work out as intended I probably wouldnt have titled the thread Noobs on a mission. Long story short about $ 15000 burnt . Incidentally Tell those damn market makers(LEHM,GISCO,MORG, INCA) that I'll be searching for my money in the unemployment lines. Anyhow, after my first stint with Equities I stumbled upon forex while searching for a trading platform on the web, which would have been at equity trading. Obviously, I gave it a try and I have been hooked ever since. I loved the fact that I can trade 24 hrs a day ... or do I ? : / As far as forward progression goes....hmmm...I have probably blown about few accounts so far ... ROFL. But yes... I am still here. During my run I pumped approximately $1000. But had enough very limited to make me feel good and come back to have wiped out. Now the next time around ... Was actually rather exciting to get a good 3 months .... Lets just say ... I took $300 and turned it into $3000. Things were starting to click. ( Let me pop my collar) I had been trading regulary and booking profits regulary. In my mind I had been thinking .... Man ... I am really doing it. I would say if I can turn $300 I ought to have the ability to put $3k $ 100k and, into $ 10K . . .well you get my drift. Then the unthinkable happened. I got pretty comfortable placing my trades you know ... had some success, but lack of expertise and discipline got the best of me. 1 day ... if the US market had received some fairly positive news I decided the Eur/USD was going to tank and figured ... well if that pair tanks ... its going to drag all of the rest of these down with it.... right??? Plus, I was fairly confident so I decied to up the ante and throw around 1.5 lots value of money( you know with my big reserve s of money $3k) at it one of various pairs going on the EURO in everyone of those. Yeah ... well lets just say ... I was wrong. In 1 day ... I withdrew my $3k that took me 3 months to accumulate. Which really wasnt a lot of time (damn Im good), but this has been my hard earned money Go_ Dam_it. That was a pretty devistating encounter, honestly. So this is going to be my trip back to a thousand. I would say a thousand, but at the rate I am going, I'll be lucky to hit on a million. Anyhow .... Heres a overview of my time back. I began a micro account( the first time I had been on a mini) this time I would be made to use far better money managment and not overleverage myself. I put the bare minimum money A whopping 25 bucks, inside. I got in at the right time though since there was a promotion that gave me an additional $25 on top as a voucher. I flipped that $50 in approximately ten days into $ 180. I found Nigeriaforextrading.com and during trying different techniques I'd read and hardley mastered ... I'd managed to blow my $180 to $7 bucks on minis in 1 day ... here we go again. Yesterday evening I received my act together ... and figured I would go back to the basics.... And attempt to keep it as simple and fundamental as possible with longer term charts, entry orders, stop losses, two or three MAs and Fib Charting and ohhh my past $7.00 . Thats how the experts do it right. . :/ ???? We will I made a few hundred pips tonight. I am back around $30 bucks ... WOHOO. I felt like writing a novel about it So ... thank god there are people out here like me you wouldnt have anyone to steal from. Now that you read about my pathetic forex journey, I'll try keep my entries shorter. You and I can get something from this . I would love to hear others stories. Lets have fun doing it and make some money. See you on the other side.
