View Full Version : Up on my soapbox .... mouteki method

10-05-2006 23:49, 11:49 PM
Now anyone who knows me knows I'm not one to stir the pot, particularly in a friendly loion like the factory, but this is an example that I can't let slip by. It seems the work moutekitrader with his mouteki trading techniques has caught on like wildfire at the moment, every second post I see is all about that technique, so kudos for you moutekitrader, it seems that you have struck a cord with the trading area . I do not exchange your system, however if it's profitable for you, then more power to you, not one of this below is aimed at you.

So frequently I read, and get asked, about why one trader seems to make money trading a specific egy, yet others do not find exactly the very same results. In fact they could go as far as accusing a specific trader to be lying in their results, or they get upset thinking that the trader is holding back something from them (oh if I had a dollar). Sometimes this could be the case, however more often than not, it's not the system that is to blame, the creator of the system holding back something or anything of that type, it's the person asking the question not expecting the machine, the signs.

Consider the mouteki procedures, it seems a simple method that has some merit if that is your kind of thing, moutekitrader has written a wonderful little explanation record, nothing may be (or should be) simpler. This is my egy, here is a document about how to trade, it, now off you go young fella and earn your fortune (of course it is not quite that simple ). Now go and look at the mouteki forum, and what do we find? Post after post after post of adding this, taking this away, changing this, why doesn't it work if I add this to that and then overlay it onto this? .... amazing. The number of alterations people are trying amazes me, the system hasn't been public for a month, hardly a substantial testing period.

Now I am all for making alterations to a system to suit yourself, most people do, it's merely the real dedied and talented who develop original concepts, however there's modifiion to strengthen a weakness in a system, and then there's modifiion for the sake of modifiion. How do you modify a system you haven't traded (demo or live) for longer than 5 minutes. To know what needs repairing, or improving, you need to know what is brokenup. Trading a system for 2 trades, then adding stochastics here and rsi there in my humble view is not strengthening a weakness of a system, it's just adding lines into a chart to make it look pretty.

If anyone asks me why doesn't every trader trading the exact same system, I will point them into the mouteki forum, I'm sorry if this looks haughty or presumtious, it is Friday, perhaps I'm in brain meltdown https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527442608.png following a long week. I really don't know moutekitrader from a bar of soap (actually odds are I would select the difference), but nothing like a little venting before the weekend.

Happy trading! ... (and be cautious of NFP tonight).

12-09-2021 09:00, 09:00 AM
I did this type of thing before but didn't have the proper stops and T/P levels, and was not using the ideal time frames for 4x. It really is Econ 101 once you know it, but everyone would like to bring a Bollinger Band, or include an EMA, I basically exchange on news and politics, and that is the finest technical system I've ever seen. Trade it naked. Also, it's done best as a fire and forget system, just be certain there is not any intervening news, enter the trade, and fuggetaboutit! Who cares if you get stopped out? If you use realistic risk/reward it works out over time. Of course, there is a lot of people on here which don't use realistic risk/reward, too...

12-09-2021 10:21, 10:21 AM
Hmmm sounds as if you had a bad week trading. I do agree w/ you but a handful of us are trading real money and with in my everyday sucesfull trading I opt to apply somthing into a system which seems intresting that I believe I will do so... At the end if one trader is not sucesfull its no body error but them selfs and if they want to sit arround and demonion trade all day and devise indactors even thow they probally have no market background what so ever more power to em... nobody knows what going to work for them. I took some from my everyday trade and aplied how I saw match place real money on it... and shared it w/ the people and mearly stated this is somthing you might want to look at...

Sorry Dad wont happen agin... emm I wonder at which Mouteki got his idea from would you think it is 100 percent OG?



info is knowledge

12-09-2021 11:42, 11:42 AM
I guess the bottomline is:

It is never the egy. . .It's always the trader...

12-09-2021 13:02, 01:02 PM
Ditto to you. I totally understood the method afterwards'analyzing' it 'analyzing' the power stage. I just happened to stop by the forum the other night and good lord I was totally confused! After about 10 posts I got the heck off so that I could keep all I had in my mind bank. People actually trying TOO difficult to comprehend something that was put quite just.

I want fellow traders to know though. . .that should you not draw from the CORRECT 1st point to 2nd point IN the current fad direction then you can easily be off your entry point and by most pips! You must get the very first step directly for the remaining part of the procedure to work! And thus, that's the trickyest part for me .

Yes I understand, I am so new I have not chosen my avatar. I'll get it. TTYL, Kevin
Actually, all Mouteki is doing is simple Econ 101. It is supply and need, get it? Start compliing things by indiors, research, etc., also it doesn't work so well, does it? Simply use it and leave it alone, and have subject, which is rare in 4x since it is full of gamblers, and you may get a few pips. Why do people have to screw using a good thing?

12-09-2021 14:23, 02:23 PM
Wallym said it best It is never the egy. . .It's consistently the trader and the last time I checked I been trading full time for the past 6years and been doing quite well.

living the fantasy in Costa Rica and did I mention I am only 27

I guess the bottomline is:

It is never the egy. . .It's consistently the trader...

12-09-2021 15:44, 03:44 PM
Regardless of what system or style of trading somebody uses. Some people hear seem to think the system will dissuade them from performing the basics. That's understand whitch way the market is moving and entrering on the right side of the trade. Nobody will do this for you they will help, together with indiors. The dicission is your responsibility to make. Sorry for my grammar its. https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527442609.png

12-09-2021 17:05, 05:05 PM
I had a good week, I guess you're speaking to the initiator of this thread. I am only saying, supply and demand really works if you apply it outside of intervening news. Mouteki's method of doing that is okay, there are a lot of other folks doing exactly the exact same thing in various ways. Just stay away from them 5 minute charts...

12-09-2021 18:25, 06:25 PM
It's quite easy to use Mouteki's trip. It's just Econ 101, remember faculty, don't mess with it. Folks are whining because they screwed with it and went. I made 4 percent on my account last week using fire-and-forget transactions doing this.

$10,000 at 4 percent per week compounded per week =$76,865.89 after 52 weeks. 1 year. Let us keep on going with that. It's something we call compounded interest.

12-09-2021 19:46, 07:46 PM
I'm glad it works well for you but all threads have names and no one compels your hands to open ones you don't wish to see... sorry I do not rember school I skiped that. . However, you seem pretty confident so this is what I will do because you discover it so simpe whether you can guarantee your 4% per week compounding I let you get started trading 2mil a clip starting tomarrow and I will split it 50/50....



It's Very Simple to use Mouteki's excursion. It's only Econ 101, recall faculty, do not fuck with it. People are bitching because they moved and fucked with it. I made 4% on my account last week using fire-and-forget transactions doing this.

$10,000 at 4% per week compounded weekly=$76,865.89 after 52 weeks. 1 year. Let's keep on going with this. It's something we call compounded interest.

12-09-2021 21:07, 09:07 PM
I am no millionaire and I only risk 2-5% of my account on any one trade, so let's talk reality...

12-09-2021 22:28, 10:28 PM
This is a dumb matter not a fast thing, I hope you all understand that...

or merely keep on gambling and losing your own asses.

I've an indior you may want to use, the Over-Under Indexed Juxtaposition Average (OUIJA). I'll email it to you personally for the low, low price of only $5000. Furthermore, be certain to attend my seminar...

12-09-2021 23:49, 11:49 PM

It is a reality and I didn't appreciate somebody getting up on their soap box


I am no millionaire and I just risk 2-5percent of my account on any one trade, so let's talk reality...

12-10-2021 01:09, 01:09 AM
hmmm sounds as if you had a terrible week trading
Actually no, I have had a terrific week of trading https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527442609.png (if only they were like this )... and if anybody is an experience profitable trader who knows the ins and outs of your trading style and the market tendencies, then this is not applicable to you. The mill is full of starting out traders, which is perfect, as you cannot buy that enthusiasm and makes the mill what it really is, but I believed it was something that needed to be pointed out to those starting on the road to fruion.

Dukeofdents, im not a mod of this region of the mill, but better be careful with this speech, although I concur with the message https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527442609.png

12-10-2021 02:30, 02:30 AM
I'm not saying you do not earn money and I'm not getting on a soapbox. You probably earn more money than I do since you probably have more capital. I'm just saying that demand and supply actually works when implemented correctly, and that's what Mouteki's system does...

12-10-2021 03:51, 03:51 AM
Additionally, sorry for the cussing, I'm from Tennessee and that's the way we hillbillies take action. https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527442609.png

12-10-2021 05:12, 05:12 AM
And thanks for saying it. https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527442609.png

12-10-2021 06:32, 06:32 AM
You can stay alert until this thing happens, or go to bed and wake up to generate income in the daytime. Watch this, and laugh or cry, but do not straddle...

12-10-2021 07:53, 07:53 AM
Hehehe no worries partner https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527442609.png... oh and Ill be sound asleep when NFP comes out, watching or that footy...

12-10-2021 09:14, 09:14 AM
I feel this burst of the hunt for the filter and making mouteki a sacred grail, was generated by moutekis silence
you're most likely right. . And how much to wager that these same traders overtrade once the market is silent as well? .... Anyhow it sounds my ramblings message came across to a anyway.

12-10-2021 10:35, 10:35 AM
Akuma, I concur with your point... Some simply cannot put in the opportunity to determine what works and what is an actual improvement. I read a post in a few of those threads where he had one trade move against the system. He wanted an explanation of how this could have occurred. When I responded that no system is 100% He reacted with he had 3 tades at a row go poor. As though that's a big enough sample to judge. Better begin the filter procedure.

Oh well. What is that saying? Oh yea, You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make him drink.

You Are Most Likely right. . And how much to wager that these same traders overtrade once the market is silent as well? .... Anyhow it sounds my own ramblings message came across to some anyway.

12-10-2021 11:56, 11:56 AM
Yep I know what you mean, now allow me to make on thing clear, I do not intend to give the impression that I am here to bash new traders, we all start out somewhere, I just started this thread to give newer traders an early insight into the pitfalls that lay ahead if they approach things the wrong way and mouteki's method just seemed like a fantastic example.

12-10-2021 13:16, 01:16 PM
I watched you try to maintain order upon that thread. . .good try, you can not please ....
I gained out of your patience and insight and would like to thank you. Thanks Jarret
I know what makes Jim and the others stick with it, a kind word makes all the pain go away.

12-10-2021 14:37, 02:37 PM
Up to now it is. But three weeks is not nearly any opportunity.

I believe my thinking is growing, however. I took a 3k practice account to $4500 with this week's trading, and at least I realize from this case that I likely have some money-management issues (rather than believing what a fantastic trader I must be https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443044.png ).

The same One who gives me the ability to get wealth is the person who's helping me get my head screwed on straight. You show intellect ken. You find the issue. Now take steps to repair it. FYI, trading too big a position size was my main demon; one which I have to be on guard against.

You also show intellect by building on the Rock.


12-10-2021 15:58, 03:58 PM
I appreciate the kind words, Dial, only without sounding sycophantic, I've a ways to go before I'd class myself as good. I feel that most of the dozens of hard working contributors to this forum have opened my eyes to the true meaning of the word'sharing'.
A lot of us came here in order to choose what we can, and it's the ethos of this place that converts us into'givers'.
Anywho, enough of those mutual back-slapping, to see if my trade on EURCAD is still going in my direction. Hi Peter,

I said you were a great man, not a great trader. Https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443044.png: But having seen your enormous growth, it will be long befor your trader greatness rivals your man greatness. Https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443044.png

You are also right on about givers and takers. It is. The takers who don't become givers wonder why they never obtain the prize, and always never figure out this.

I've answered hundreds of PMs from people here asking for help or advice. Only about 10% ever say thank you, after I've replied. This is not a complaint, just an observation. I don't need my PM box filled with excessive'thank you's!

However, I must wonder if there's some correlation between the 10% who say thanks and the 10% who finally make profit in their trading?

Give and it will be given unto you, fantastic measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over shall men give unto your bosom. For with the identical measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again
I believe it is intriguing that the quote above says will MEN give unto your bosom. Not God, but men! I've given here in the Factory, but that which I've received back from the others here far surpasses what I've given.

Mouteki gave. May he reap his due reward.


12-10-2021 17:19, 05:19 PM
lt;TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=100% border=0gt;lt;TBODYgt;lt;TRgt;lt;TD class=alt2 style=BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px insetgt;Originally Posted by Jesus

Give and it will be given unto you, fantastic measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over shall men give unto your bosom. For with the identical measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again


I believe it is interesting that the quote above states will MEN give unto your bosom. Not God, but guys! I've given here in the Factory, but that which I've received back from others here far exceeds what I've given.

Mouteki gave. May he reap his due reward.

12-10-2021 18:39, 06:39 PM
AkumaI concur with your point... Some simply cannot put in the opportunity to determine what works and what's an actual improvement. I read a post in one of those threads where he had one trade go against the system. He desired an explanation of how that might have happened. When I responded that nobody is 100 percent He reacted with he had 3 tades in a row go bad. As though that is a big enough sample to gauge. Better begin the filter procedure.

Oh well. What's that saying? Oh yea, You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make him drink.
101% arrangement. I just finished reading the mouteki thread night.Many times lots of them are searching for the fantastic SYSTEM tt will make them instant millionaires https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443044.png

I new tonigeriaforextradingand been reading a few threads learn a fantastic deal here. I love to thank Akuma (ur journal follower https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443045.png: ), Daillist, and Peter. You guys has make my trading instruction process so much easier. https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443045.png

12-10-2021 20:00, 08:00 PM
I have tested this system for a single week.
I had two winning transactions...
I had four losing transactions...
1 trade did not get triggered and I canceled it...

It may not seem like much, but since money direction I was able to emerge an 85 pip winner.

I will not be a mouteki trader because it violates one of my most basic rules I have been working on for ~8 months. To never go against this trend.
I nearly started using a reverse mouteki egy but why mess with a good thing.

The stuff which vegas posted on here works good for me. Dialist put up some things about money management for helping answer a lot of my questions, and also.

To people who utilize this method imo I would not tinker to much with it. Worked good for me. If anything change the Ratio of your projected profits/stoploss, and concentrate on money management.
Thats all you will need IMO.

12-10-2021 21:21, 09:21 PM
Same here,

I enjoy the potency of mouteki's egy, but I like the idea of running with trends (then again diff people portray trends differently, its really up to the person ). My 2pips is to utilize the methods given here as a guage of'which way you like to exchange'. Best to develop your own system which is suitable for your personality and dun be awed by indiors. The Majority of the times the simplest system works the best https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443045.png


12-10-2021 22:42, 10:42 PM
You can also trade mouteki just when going with the trend, you do not need to take the opposite direction. A matter of choice.

12-11-2021 00:02, 12:02 AM
Now this is great advise, since it doesn't add something on to this system. This guide works within the parameters of this procedure.

it is also possible to trade mouteki just when going with the fashion, you do not need to take the opposite path. A matter of choice.

12-11-2021 01:23, 01:23 AM
No worries mate

I will I had been doing was taking some of everything I use in my everyday trading that's searching for multiple confluence to verify my trades. Simple by taking a look at the charts you can not deny that there is a correlation into the Stoch direction and the direction of this trend.

For people who haven't figured this one out trading is among the most difficult tasks to do out there, why do you think most prosperous traders invest 16-20hrs a day since they have nothing better to do? If people cry and say that they can not do it and they give up I do not feel terrible for them. Those are same people that can not ever appear to achieve several things in life which 95% loosing rate doesn't simply apply to trading looking around. 95 percent of people are working for somebody being told by somebody what to do. Hmm I wonder why this is. It simple but not easy trading or any matter in life if you don't own or not willing to put in the time it really takes to make it operate your not going to become successful. If you truly think you are going to put to assemble the magical black box system which sends you an email so that you only have to look at a few times a day and then come out successful in the long run your dreaming and will need to wake up cause I will think of a thousand better thing you could be doing with this time. I need everybody nothing but chance cause there is plenty of cash to go a round. If you really got a system that is that simple I know men which are managing 100 million dollars and in case your system is demoned to work get ready for an entirely different life style should you think 4% a week compounds nice on 10k simply think what happens about 100mil https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443045.png

I do not claim to the be the best or greatest trader out their however I had been fortunate enough to learn from some of the few who are managing from 10mil into 100mil w/ certified track records doing 75% annually and if your intreasted in open an acount the minim is 1m .


Yep I know what you mean, now allow me to make something clear, I do not intend to give the impression that I'm here to bash up new traders, most of us start out somewhere, I only started this thread to give newer traders a historical insight into the pitfalls that lay ahead should they approach things the wrong way and mouteki's approach simply seemed like a great example.

12-11-2021 02:44, 02:44 AM
I do not claim to the be the best or greatest trader out their but I was lucky enough to learn from some of those few who are managing from 10mil to 100mil w/ certified track records doing 75 percent annually and if your intreasted in open an acount that the minim is 1m .

Turbo Can we assume from this that you believe Mouteki with Stohs added is a much better system than you learned from those guys? https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443045.png

12-11-2021 04:05, 04:05 AM
Absolutly not also it funny you ask that as a guy I know just combined w/ the Factory and watched my post and said to I'm amazed to see you looking into this system, contemplating your good results with murry mathematics etc..

I think we're constantly learning and to not check out other thing would be ignorant.

I don't know if I stated this in this thread but I will say it agin. Mouteki system isn't realy that new it no longer than 4hr fad breaks and I think most people that learned to trade before the creation of all these FX forums and also elaborate indiors that was among their very first things we heard. Just look at how many folks can not a draw trend line. If they can not even draw a trend line then so that they do not even know where support and resistance is. At least w/ the Mouteki system they'll know how to do this now.


Knowledge is Power

Can we assume from this that you believe Mouteki with Stohs added is a better system than you heard from these guys? https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443045.png

12-11-2021 05:26, 05:26 AM
Properly place wallym! It goes together with my article :


An issue for you Grammarians or English Majors. I can not remember this. What's it called if a phrase is carried to the extreme in order to highlight a point?

Two examples:

Wallym said:

It's never the method. . .It's always the trader...

While the literal fact is:

It's rarely the method. . .It's almost always the trader...

I often say:

Individual trades are meaningless.

Where the truth is individual trades do have some meaning but it's irrelavent when compared to a lengthy string of trades.

What's the word? What's the title for extreme statements designed to highlight the point.

Dial Hi Dial

I read your article this Saturday morning. Hence I followed your attached thread. My broker is telling me that I should sue you for an unauthorized biography. The stupid trader, that's me. The analogy with the motorist, tires along with the dead battery is great. I had been shing my tires probaby 20 days or more. Then I not only gave up on the car, but I smashed it to pieces.

Losing an Whole account? That's ill. It might never happen to me! Such a person should defrag his mind daily! Guess what. One day that I pushed the wrong key in my platform and the entire funding of Utah tanked in 30 minutes. My apologies to the Mormons. So there. My Lotus was picked up with a repo man. Or maybe it was a Pinto. I don't remember, I had been in a coma.

Anyhow, guy you're so right it makes me ill. Stick with a method and know it like your spouse's bad habits. Rather than celebrating diversity using a division of indiors go and sleep comedy Mouteki charts and with what Daerus wrote about the potential filters for that system. Pick up a currency pair that's alluring enough to exchange and the rest will take care of itself.

Excuse me for venting, but finally only one thing. Money is important, we all know that it is somewhere near the oxygen. On the flip side, the fact that I achieved something is every bit as important. It makes me feel good that I created 10-15 pips by following the nude system.

Thank you Dial. You should have slapped me 5 decades back and that I could be sitting in my private beach practicing charting methods together with Faith Hill. After all that I am a country music loving redneck.

12-11-2021 06:46, 06:46 AM
Hi Dial

I read your article this Saturday morning. Accordingly I followed your attached thread. My broker is telling me I should sue you for an unauthorized biography. The dumb trader, that is me. The analogy with the motorist, tires and also the dead battery is fantastic. I had been changing my tires probaby more or 20 days. I not only gave up on the car, but I smashed it .

Losing an Whole account? That's sick. It might never happen to me! A individual should defrag his brain daily! Guess what. One day that I pushed the incorrect key in my platform and the entire funding of Utah tanked in 30 seconds. My apologies to the Mormons. So there. My Lotus was picked up with a repo man. Or maybe it was a Pinto. I don't recall, I had been in a coma.

Anyway, guy you are so correct it makes me sick. Stick with a method and understand it like your spouse's bad habits. Instead of celebrating diversity with a branch of indiors sleep and go wit Mouteki charts and with what Daerus wrote concerning the prospective filters for that system. Pick up a currency pair that's sexy enough to exchange and the rest will take care of itself.

Excuse me for ventilation, but finally only one thing. Money is important, we all know it is somewhere close to the oxygen. On the flip side, the fact that I realized something is equally important. It makes me feel good that I made 10-15 pips by following the naked system.

Thank you Dial. You should have slapped me 5 decades ago and that I could be sitting in my private shore practicing charting methods together with Faith Hill. I am a country music. LOL! You are welcome Milan. I'm happy my rant was of significance for you. I liked your reply a lot. You put a smile in my face. Thank you for this, and have a fantastic weekend and a week!


P.S.. You might be a neighbor of mine,'cause I reside! You might be a redneck if....you live where Diallist does!

12-11-2021 08:07, 08:07 AM
This is a superb editorial thread!

Because I do not trade the moutekisidusbagovinotlatomifozzyvegasbellabunnygir lfirebidphoenix system there is not much left to talk about besides technical analysis.

The above quote from Phimcgrew in a different thread says it all to me!!!!! It's one thing if a person produces a thread asking for opinions or suggestions to a system they are self-developing, but I think it's disrespectful to the writer and another readers to completely dillute the the simple premise of an author's thread when they are trying to be generous and share their achievement.

I really don't think there's anything wrong with what Turbokaos failed by starting a new thread combining his stoch indior. He might get a following, and maybe he won't. Folks are able to read this, or else they could pass it by. Of couse, the drawback would be that if everybody who had an opinion began a new thread....there might be as many threads, as there are actual articles https://www.nigeriaforextrading.com/attachments/1527443045.png: he has not contributed to the destruction of a potentially fantastic thread (BTW- even when the method sux, or is still a loser, it may still be a fantastic thread in the way it's arranged and introduced!) . Turbo is blazing his own course, and might be helping some people out along the way. Has anyone looked at the ribbon of Bagovino lately? Forgive me when the gazzillion modifiions were introduced or authorized by Bagovino himself, but that egy was originally based on the ease of 3 simple indiors and now I have no clue what the hell it is???

In fact, there's absolutely no perfect system, and the lion's share of it has to do with the trader. In fact, in case your head is screwed on correctly, one method in it's most basic type (preferably one without 20 indiors and 16 points of confirmation) could be successful....Folks, the lesson is: K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid)

I anxiously wait the open of a new week and the opportunities that lie ahead when they choose to present themselves!!

Joyful trading...

12-11-2021 09:28, 09:28 AM
P.S.. You may be a neighbor of mine'cause I live in a small town that could qualify as the redneck funding! You could be a redneck if....you live where Diallist does!
Damn! Another venison eating new jersey redneck. Gaaawdam

12-11-2021 10:49, 10:49 AM
Actually, all Mouteki is doing is simple Econ 101. It's supply and demand, get it? Start compliing things with the addition of indiors, research, etc., and it does not work so well, does it? Just use it and leave it alone, and possess discipline, which is uncommon in 4x since it's full of gamblers, and you might get some pips. Why do people have to screw using a good thing?