Brand New Here...
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Thread: Brand New Here...

  1. #1
    Hi Folks,

    As stated in Title, I'm brand new here and ready to learn; I THINK!!

    Became hooked on the Forex about 5 weeks ago and getting more and more addicted. I see it as a challenge and a great one at that!! Read constantly, research all I could, and don't understand enough to ask the proper questions!!

    The 1 difficulty I see I have:

    My schedule calls for me to work a lot of hours. This is with truck driving. Anyhow, I'm usually home around noon to 1pm and then off to bed at least by 6pm to be up around mid-night into 3am the following day. Yep, you're right, not much sleep but hey, the more time is great. Consequently, if this is the only real time I have off, noon to 3pm each day, is there some real time there do do some severe trading?

    I'm also off on Sundays and Monday's. So, the beginning of the week's trading on Sunday's I'm there to pay close attention. And, Monday's too. I suppose these would be the only two significant days I could really trade?

    Those responsible for putting with this forum, I thank you. Wish I'd have discovered it earlier. It's a virtual gold mine for complete, absolute newbies such as me.

    As I state in driving, just point me in the right direction, I will discover a gear eventually afterward, just escape my way!! Actually tho', I'm a safe driver. One of these slow pokes on the market. Hope to do the Exact Same in Forex Trading.

    Excited about a long-lasting and great travel here!!!

  2. #2
    Welcome to the Factory mdcdavs.
    You came to right loion. .

    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Hi People,

    According to Title, I'm new here and ready to learn; I THINK!!
    . .

  3. #3
    Thanks all for your kind welcomes.

    You're right Mark, about finding the ideal place to be that's.

    Well, off to work...

  4. #4
    Welcome to This forum.

    You could consider daily and weekly timeframes... anything less and you'll have any problems.

    You've got enough odds against you right from the start. Don't make timeframes an problem.

    Exactly like truck driving, so too is forex. You do not floor it to get to your destination faster. You leave enough time ahead of time to create it there. The same thing with FX -- should you attempt to make profits all at once, you will crash and burn. That is a guarantee.

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