What account currency do you recommend for not residents in the US? - Page 3
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Thread: What account currency do you recommend for not residents in the US?

  1. #21
    Choose what is most convenient in terms of conversion and stability costs.Do not complicate with strange theories about which currency is "better", choose the most practical for your case.

  2. #22
    Professional traders usually have accounts in several currencies to minimize risks and costs.If you plan to operate seriously, consider diversify in at least two main currencies.

  3. #23
    If you operate in an account in USD but live in a country where the dollar is not common, each retirement will be a nightmare.Think about the ease of access to your money before deciding.

  4. #24
    EUR is an underestimated option.Many brokers offer competitive conditions in this currency and is less volatile than the USD at certain times.In addition, it avoids the direct influence of the US monetary policy on your account.

  5. #25
    If you cannot decide, open two accounts: one in USD and one in the local currency of your country.Thus you minimize conversion costs and give yourself more flexibility according to the market situation.

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