My stop loss is dictated by several things, so, is subject to change accordingly. Depending on the Pair I am generally at 30-200 pips.
That I have a couple Brokers I use for various factors. I purchased the USD/PLN @ 2.9950, also decide on a Cease at 150 pips because of its volitility. Up it for me now so last week commited to move the Cease into profit for 200 pips, also it sheds here for quite a while. When I transferred the Stop Loss I think I was about 700 pips upward, but, this Pair changes really Dramatic and will Dictate a competitive Stop Loss, now I can relax on this trade and take the Pie in the Sky! : P.S. Please don't go buying the USD/PLN now, I wouldn't. I waited and got what I felt was a good safe Enter Point with this particular Pair with this volitity. IT WILL EAT YOUR LUNCH!!!!