Guru mentors
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Thread: Guru mentors

  1. #1
    Did I miss something or there are literally a minumum of 10 threads with hundreds of pages each from self proclaimed gurus claiming to become profitable with no evidence at all?
    Futhermore they're making nearly 4 digit sums out of selling eduion?

  2. #2
    Be wise and dont give your money to gurus. Just read and research

  3. #3
    So far as I am aware there is not 1 guru/mentor who really provides a monitor record. I find this amazing, particularly as it is so simple to do.

    In my mind there may be only one reason for this and that's they don't understand how to make money trading.

    FRAUD is defined as making false promises or lying in order to make monetary profit.

    Why are not they being prosecuted?

  4. #4
    Those who can not do, Teach.

    Or in Forex

    Those who can not do, Pro.

  5. #5
    Not true, at least for some real teachers, real traders. .
    Check Robert Miner, teaching for over 25 decades, and winning trading competitions with real money (such as 2018).


    And yes, he will charge for his software and his novels. . .fair enough.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    As far as I am aware there's not ONE guru/mentor who actually provides a track record. I find this amazing, particularly since it is so simple to do. In my mind there may be just 1 reason behind this and that's they do not know how to make money trading. FRAUD is defined as making false claims or lying in order to make financial profit. Why aren't they being prosecuted?
    Look up the link I posted, you can double check Miner´s performance the 2018 Championships...
    True many of these are sc, but not all...

  7. #7
    If you want to make your life easy, just look up some of the threads in FF, where folks earn real cash, lot´s of it, on a daily basis, they don´wont control a penny, and even many followers are powerful. .
    Some are making 10% a week and more, BUT you have to examine a ton, and sit before your PC all day...

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